Mind boost: 3 min 14 seconds.
Having a hard time of organizing your marketing activities in one place? During all my years working with Marketing/CRM/Sales the hardest part is to get all data into one simple system or software. Here is the story of Hubspot CRM
Top 3 trends in Product Marketing for 2020
Read: 5 minutes.
As this year are going to an end I want take some time to look into the 2020 and give you my thoughts on what are going to be the top three important topics for the next year.
Bring value – Use the data and send it to the customers!
Mind boost: 5 minutes.
Let me tell you a story in how I use our customer data in the purpose of bringing value to the customer.
Know your customer – succeed with sales & marketing
Mind boost: 4 minutes.
Even if you work with marketing or with sales, you have at least one time been frustrating when generating traffic to your website but didn’t succeed creating that much leads as you wanted – or been on 50 sales meetings and didn’t close any of the dealĀ opportunities. One way of reducing that gap is to simply know your customers.
How can Customer Success work with MQL and SQL?
Mind boost: 3 minutes.
Sales funnel: A life time.
Have you ever wondered how you can create more deals with Customer Success and marketing? Let me give you an example of how you can optimize your sales funnel with MQL and SQL.
3 steps you need for a Successful Customer Journey
Mind boost: 6 minutes.
Here is three steps you need to keep in mind when working with the customer journey. I know that it can be tricky to get everything in order – but just keep it simple and start small.