Installation: 3 minutes.
Do you use Intercom and want a fast and easy way of installing the messenger on your wordpress website? Here is my tips.
How to make subtitles in a fast and easy way
Mind boost: 34 seconds.
Wondering how to get those nice subtitles to your videos, as you see on social media?
Are your Customers bringing You value?
Mind boost: 2 minutes.
By this time you know your customers, otherwise I have no idea how you are succeeding. But in order to have a successful customer journey you need to get feedback from your customers in how you can improve your product.. But how do you do that?
Know your customer – succeed with sales & marketing
Mind boost: 4 minutes.
Even if you work with marketing or with sales, you have at least one time been frustrating when generating traffic to your website but didn’t succeed creating that much leads as you wanted – or been on 50 sales meetings and didn’t close any of the deal opportunities. One way of reducing that gap is to simply know your customers.
How can Customer Success work with MQL and SQL?
Mind boost: 3 minutes.
Sales funnel: A life time.
Have you ever wondered how you can create more deals with Customer Success and marketing? Let me give you an example of how you can optimize your sales funnel with MQL and SQL.
Increase open rates: E-mail or In-App Messaging?
Mind boost: 5 minutes.
In this post I’m going to show you the difference between e-mail marketing and in-app messaging. Yes, I got some results to show you aswell!
GoToWebinar vs WebinarJam – Pros and Cons
Mind boost: 10 minutes.
What is best? WebinarJam or GoToWebinar? In this article I’m going to give you pros and cons when using GoToWebinar and WebinarJam. See result at the end of this article.
3 steps you need for a Successful Customer Journey
Mind boost: 6 minutes.
Here is three steps you need to keep in mind when working with the customer journey. I know that it can be tricky to get everything in order – but just keep it simple and start small.
Stop Making Those F*cking Newsletters
Mind boost: 4 minutes.
Are you still doing newsletters? The first question you need to ask yourself is: Why am I doing this and to who? Let me put it out for you.
Install Google AdWords conversion tracking code in WordPress
Installation time: 7,5 minutes.
A step-by-step guide for installing and implementing Google AdWords conversion tracking code in Wordpress. Learn how to setup up your first conversion and see how easy you can do it with or withour plugins.